Finding your way to Orkney is easy with the Journey Planner.
Our interactive tool can help you plan your trip to the islands from any location in the UK. using road, rail, and ferry links.
In some cases, we won’t be able to provide a comprehensive list of travel options, but once your dates and times are firmed up, you should be able to pick your perfect route.
Ready to get started? Simply type your UK starting location in the box below, or click the compass to use your current location. If you are outside the UK, remember to search for flights to get you to the UK first.
You can click the ‘More Info’ button at each stage for additional information too.
PLEASE NOTE: Our Journey Planner only provides land and ferry route information. We apologise for the lack of flight information, but you can search for air links via the Loganair website.
Find out more about travelling to Orkney with our Getting Here page, or contact if you have any further questions.
What mode of transport would you prefer?
Which UK ferry port would you prefer to sail from?
Which UK airport would you prefer to fly from?

- Step 1
The search field will automatically show results as you type.
Click the compass icon next to the search box to use your current location.
- Step 2
Car & Ferry – drive from your start location to either Aberdeen, Scrabster or Gills Bay.
Car & Plane – drive to your preferred airport then fly to Orkney.
Public Transport & Ferry – check public transport routes and then sail from Aberdeen, Scrabster, or Gills Bay.
Public Transport & Plane – check public transport routes to your preferred airport then fly to Orkney.
- Step 3
Ferry Options
- Aberdeen – enjoy an evening sail through the Moray Firth to Orkney – approx. 6hrs
- Scrabster – sail from the very north of Scotland to Stromness – approx. 1hr30min
- Gills Bay – take the crossing from the north east coast of Scotland to Orkney – approx. 1hr
Airport Options
Direct flights are available from Glasgow (60 minutes), Edinburgh (60 minutes), Inverness (45 minutes), Aberdeen (50 minutes) and Shetland (35 minutes).
There are also excellent connections to other UK airports. Pick your preferred airport from the options (you can change this at the next step).
- Results
Here are your results!
You can use the back button to make changes, or click 'Start Again' to perform another search.